Take Your Love One to the Doctor


For those of us who know people who need to get serious about their health, today is the day that you do not worry about being polite.

Here is a clip from the “Take Your Love One to the Doctor” segment from the Tom Joyner Morning Show.  Wife of Chris Paul says it all as she explains how signs of stroke can be different…so stop being polite, tell people what they really need to know to save their life:


Health is wealth.   Whether you, or someone you know, need to:

1) lose 50+ pounds

2) learn healthy food choices/eating habits

3) get moving (exercise can help you get off those pills for high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. with doctor supervision).

Make the necessary sacrifices to improve your qualility of life… TODAY!  No more waiting until Monday to start fresh.  Start TODAY!!


What is the Plan in Your Community?



Want to change social and economic injustices?  Then you need a plan of action.

Shaun King’s commentary  for Black America Web this morning emphasizes how a “blind loyalty” gets people nowhere.  However, a plan of action gets you results. In case you missed this less than 10 minute audio, here is the link for you to listen, share, and move to action:

Shaun King Talks Policy Ideas

Harriett Tubman, Booker T. Washington, and President Barack Obama were successful because they all had a plan of action!!  Likewise,  Adolph Hitler, the Koch Brothers and the Tea Party also had a plan of action!  With technological advances AND boots on the ground, you can plan, educate, empower and implement a customized plan of action with best practices, for the Top 5-10 (depending on manpower/volunteers) issues that cause Blacks, Browns, Native Americans, the working poor, functionally disabled, mentally challenged and other citizens who simply want equity. This can be done in each community across the country.

Harriett Tubman, the Pullman Porters, residents of Black Wallstreet (in Tulsa), Muhammad Ali, Dick Gregory, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Shirley Chisholm, Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Maynard Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Oprah Winfrey, The Freedom Riders, and the Native American Code Talkers (to name a few) did not wait for a leader to emerge.  They knew Superman was not coming.  They all stepped up to do what they could to make a difference. So can you!!  Each of us can use our skills and talents to help a current organization, or start your own.  No cause is too small.  Jesus also had a plan. And, He trained twelve.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist, have a degree, or a title. If you can figure out how to go on vacation and navigate in a city or country that you have never visited, surely you can figure out how to make a difference in your neighborhood, church, or non-profit.  Or, start your own group.

As my dearly departed Godmother, Rev. Willie Taplin Barrow use to say, “If you are not at the table when plans are made, you are on the menu.”


Above: Rev. Willie Taplin Barrow (Dec. 7, 1924 – March 12, 2015).

It is time to stop talking about how bad things are. It is time to do something about it!! It is time to stop saying, “they ought to” or “the church ought to”.  Who are they?  Who is the the Church?  When is the last time you volunteered or worked on a community service project (in person or online)?

Gandhi famously said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.“

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,

“Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”


Kids Suffer for Life from Kool Smiles Dental Procedures


Kool Smiles Dental clinics pay $24 million in a lawsuit for unnecessary Dental procedures on kids in a Medicaid fraud scheme.  However, there offices are still open and no one is going to jail.  Hmmm.

This is another reason why second opinions matter.  These dentists preyed upon the poor and minorities.  Their offices seem to be strategically located throughout Minority communities have Black pictures on the walls and have toys like Chuckie Cheese.  Quite an inviting and fun environment for kids, these parents do not know enough to question the procedures recommended by the Kool Smiles dentists.

On the Tom Joyner show this morning, Sherri Shepherd said this happened to her when she was a kid.  Later when her mom took her to a different dentist, he asked, “Why did you have those procedures done?”  Her mom in disbelief responded that she had no way of knowing the procedures were not needed.  Sherri went on to describe the procedures and how it has affected her as an adult.

In Sean King’s investigation, he says this horrifying Kool Smiles investigation is akin to the Tuskegee Experiment.  How sad.  Read the entire story of Kool Smiles lawsuit in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution in this link:


Has this happened to you, your kids, or grand kids??


Donate Only What is Needed to Hurricane Harvey Survivors

Did you know that everything donated after a natural disaster or devastating event is not needed?  From people to corporations, after Hurricane Katrina & Rita, after Sandyhook, after Haiti and now after Hurricane Harvey, we must be cognizant of the most effect and efficient ways to give and volunteer.

Believe or not, a lot of the wrong stuff causes more harm than good and may not be used at all.  CBS Sunday Morning did an updated story on this important topic right after Hurricane Harvey so that our good intentions can bring joy instead of wasting resources and causing pain.  Perhaps we simply need to donate cash via online website, through churches and at on-site donations events to well-vetted organizations.  So think before you give. View the full show segment at:



Also, Tom Joyner set up a unique fund with $20,000 seed money and is taking donations where 100% of proceeds will go to the people.  This fund collects money donations to give $1,000 Walmart gift certificates to people who open their homes to family, friends, co-workers and strangers. In many cases, these Harvey survivors will be staying indefinitely with these angels who opened up their homes.  In one letter to the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS), a family had taken in 21 people who lost their homes.  Can you imagine the increased food and  utility bills?  See the full story an how you can help:

Open Arms In The Midst Of A Storm

BlackAmericaWeb.com Relief Fund

Now you have the information you need to make sure your donation will be used by those who need it for the purpose for which you intended.  Thanks in advance for being a part of the village of people who do not just talk about how bad the disaster is, but gives what you can to make a difference for those in need.

And, people who survive these traumatic events, whether a weather or violent catastrophe, let us refer to those affected by these disasters as “survivors” instead of “victims “.   Thanks!!

Photos from Google Images.

How the Amazon Purchase of Whole Foods Affects You

Whether you shop at a Whole Foods or not, what Amazon is about to do with its’ newly acquired 500 plus stores affects you.  According to Melody Hobson of Ariel Capital Management and the TJMS “Money Monday’s” segment (on Atlanta’s KISS 104.1 FM), these 500 stores are located in America’s riches zip codes.  That combined with its’ five million Amazon Prime customers gives it leverage to change the grocery store business and affect how and where you shop.

Cincinnati based Kroger recently lowered their grocery prices and eliminated their 5%  senior discount on Wednesdays.  In an all out price war with Walmart, Kroger is not satisfied with their 9% market share.  Being the nation’s largest retailer, Walmart has 20% of the grocery market.

Here is the link for Melody’s segment about Amazon.  It will broaden your vision on how Amazon is aggressively increasing their market share and changing how we buy everything.  Now they are focusing on groceries which will affect the entire industry:

Money Mondays: How Amazon Just Made Groceries A ‘Whole’ Lot Cheaper


Pastor Greg Laurie Denounces Racists Acts


TBN Pastor Greg Laurie denounces racism, bigotry and hateful acts of people and those that occurred in Charlottesville, VA during a live JUICE TV sermon tonight.

Several political pundits have asked, “What are white ministers saying to their congregation about the increased amount of:  racist acts, hate crime, bigotry, and senseless acts of violence that includes white officers killing unarmed Black men.

Earlier in the week, on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe said he visited Black churches on Sunday to talk about the tragedy in Charlottesville, Sybil Wills asked him, “What about white churches?”  The governor, bless his heart, did not answer the question.

Well, time will tell if Pastors line up behind Pastor Greg and speak out against these senseless acts of violence.  Otherwise America will continue to drift away from: equal justice under the law, all men are created equal, land of the free and home of the brave; and the place where people can live in peace while having compassion for each other.

For Pastor Greg’s full sermon, visit http://www.TBN.org


What is Really Going On At Rikers and in Our Courts?

There are too many stories about Black, brown and poor people being arrested unjustly and sent to prisons.  More of these people than the system wants us to know about are not only innocent, but are being held for years without a trial.  Some of the most egregious are being investigated  Sean King in his report tomorrow on The Tom Joyner Morning Show (KISS 104.1FM in Atlanta).

If you miss the report Monday morning, you can find it at BlackAmericaWeb.com

Also, Related is a story CBS Sunday Morning did on the fact that there really is not “equal justice under the law” as is claimed in America.  They reported on a broken system whereby court appointed attorneys rarely, if ever, have a chance to investigate cases or meet their clients before the trial date. Then they encourage their clients to take a plea and serve time despite their innocence and no evidence being presented.  Yale law school Professor Stephen Bright calls it the “Meet ’em and plead ’em” defense.

From Cordele, Georgia to New Orleans, Louisiana and in numerous courts across the U.S. this is the norm.  In one Louisiana city where there is only one attorney who represents all who cannot afford an attorney.  In some towns like Cordele, Georgia, the accused go before the judge in groups of 10 or more. Often the public defender does not even know what each client looks like.  Yet, one by one, each person in the group pleads guilty and accepts the sentence regardless of the sentence length since they cannot afford to pay for an attorney.

Then, many of them lose their job, home and children.  Well, when Shanna Shackelford was accused of arson after a rental home she own caught on fire less than a year after she increased the insurance coverage, her public defender told her to plead guilty and take the 25 year sentence.  Her court appointed attorney did not help her.  So about two years later, and after much frustration, Shackelford was able to get help.  An investigation that took two weeks revealed it was an electrical fire, not arson. Well, she had served two years in jail, lost her home and everything.  Then it took theee years to get her record cleared so she could get a job. See the full story at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/unequal-justice-under-the-law/

This proves the color of justice is green.

Is this acceptable in the “land of the free, home of the brave”…or “with liberty and justice for all”?