Happy Birthday Wishes


Thanks to all my friends who sent me Happy Birthday wishes today. 

Yep!  I am 40 again!

I spent most the day at City Hall at the Transportation Committee Meeting (it was much longer than usual) doing what I love:  advocating on behalf of residents for equity in local public projects.

After that, I reminded people in my path to early vote or vote on Tuesday, December 4 in the Georgia runoff elections.  The two items on the ballot, Secretary of State and Public Service Commission are very important offices.

For dinner, I ate at one of my favorite vegan restaurants (healthy meals and healthy living can translate into more birthdays!).

I also thanked The Lord for another awesome day and birthday.


GA Runoff Candidate Debates are Tomorrow – Nov. 27th…



The Atlanta Press Club Loudermilk-Young Debate Series will host two runoff debates for the General Election, including Public Service Commission, District 3 and Secretary of State. The debate series will begin taping and will stream live on Tuesday, November 27, 2018. The series will conclude with the airing of Secretary of State on Georgia Public Broadcasting on Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

Debates for Public Service Commission, District 3 and Secretary of State will be available for viewers to watch online as they take place and on demand via Facebook Live at http://www.fb.com/TheAtlantaPressClub and GPBNews.org.

All candidates who qualify with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office to have their name on the ballot are invited to participate in the debates.

Due to limited studio space, we are not able to accommodate a live studio audience for any of the debates.

                             For questions, please email info@atlpressclub.org

Early Voting in Georgia 11/26-11/30

From the Fulton County Dems, here are the 15 early voting sites for Fulton County.  For Georgia’s other 158 counties, find your early voting sites at:  www.mvp.sos.ga.gov


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Early Voting Begins Today!
Did you know there’s a runoff for Secretary of State and Public Service Commissioner?
Early voting in Fulton county starts today at 8:30 am and runs through 7 pm on Friday, November 30.  

Click here to see a full list of early voting locations.
Click here for an interactive map to enter your address and find your nearest location.
If you’re registered in Fulton county, you can vote at ANY early voting location within the county.

John Barrow is on the ballot for Secretary of State.
Lindy Miller is on the ballot for Public Service Commissioner.

The Blue Wave isn’t over!

Don’t forget to pay your $25 dues to be a member of the Democratic Party. We’ll use the money for future GOTV efforts in Fulton County.
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When Did Saggin’ Pants Really Start?

Dont just do what others are doing to fit in or because it’s a trend.  Do your research.  More times than not you will find it is not new.  Just new to you!

As I talked to Kristen, my friend in Phoenix, about the movie Green Book, She asked if I heard about the slavery connection to saggin’ pants.  Well here it is:

Not a prison trend.  Not A Trend That Started In The 80s Back in the late 80s and early 90s, the sagging trend was introduced by rappers like Ice-T and Too Short. Then, Kris Kross took things to a whole new level. Although the trend started in prison systems and correctional institutions around the country, soon, black youth on the outside began adopting the fashion trend. However, it’s much deeper than something you see on television in this day and age.

‘Breaking the Buck’

If you haven’t heard of the process of “breaking the buck,” you’ll never look at a man wearing sagging pants the same. According to diaryofanegress.com, the process was a heinous act used during times of slavery to break down defiant male slaves.  During this brutal process, the slave owners and Overseer would make an example of the slave in front of the entire slave congregation by beating him relentlessly. But unfortunately, that’s not the worst of the punishment. Then, they would cut down a tree and force the battered male slave over the tree stump with his britches removed so he’d be exposed for the entire slave congregation to see. “Buck Breaking” The slave master would then make an example out of the slave and promise others the act would be their fate for defiant behavior. The slave owner would then remove his own clothing and savagely sodomize the slave in front of his family – wife and children – and his friends. But sadly things didn’t stop there. Slave masters were also known to invite their associates from other plantations to participate. Then the owner would make the slave wear his pants below his bottom letting others know that he was broken. It is also noted that the defiant slave’s male children were required to be front and center while the horrific acts were taking place in an effort to break them down mentally at an early age as they witnessed their father’s humiliation. Sadly, the process was successful. In fact, the disturbing process evolved into a “Sex Farm” practice where slaves were put on display for the twisted sexual desires of homosexual slave owners.

Read the full article at: https://www.theblackloop.com/many-think-sagging-pants-started-prison-come-place-much-worst/



“Green Book” is a “Must See” Movie

Dr. Donald Shirley (Mahershala Ali, right) gives an impromptu performance in

In the segregation-era film Green Book, Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali   stars as Dr. Don Shirley, a real-life world-class black pianist. In several scenes, with the grace that Ali always seems to exude no matter who he’s portraying, his fingers fly across his piano keys in a way that look so masterful you can’t help but wonder, “Is that really him playing the piano?” The question is a credit to Ali’s acting, since no, he isn’t the one pulling those notes from that Steinway piano. When we’re not lost in the fierce concentration on Ali’s face during those performance scenes, it’s actually the fingers of film composer Kris Bowers that we’re riveted by.

Green Book follows Ali’s Dr. Shirley on a a concert tour that extends from New York to the Deep South, with Bronx-born Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) as his chauffeur and bodyguard. The two abide by the “Green Book,” which serves as a guide for African-Americans to what establishments are safe to visit, as they navigate the long road trip together. While Ali’s depiction of Shirley’s piano-playing is virtually perfect — seriously, it’s hard to believe he isn’t a virtuoso himself — Bowers revealed all the work that actually went into capturing the pianist’s style.

This movie is excellent depiction of the segregated south that most teens through millennials have not really seen.  Yet it leads us on a great adventure of two different yet somewhat similar men. Adults should take their children, grand children.  It is an excellent movie for the Holidays and the whole family!

(Article by  on popsugar.com)


MLK Medians, A Safety Hazard??

If you drive down MLKing Jr. Drive, you will see medians, that most of the community did not want, are being installed and lanes are being reduced from 4 to 2 with bike lanes.  Emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks may not be able to go around a MARTA bus, garbage truck, GA Power truck (working on power lines), etc. as MLKJr Drive between I-20 and Northside Drive.  This could be a huge public safety disaster. Yet, everyone is passing the buck.
Here are the facts:
MLKing Jr. Drive, a major thoroughfare and state highway, will now have medians that are “cute” yet dysfunctional.  They may actually impede the ability of emergency vehicles (especially fire trucks and ambulances) to navigate and will grossly impede traffic for delivery trucks (including UPS & FedEx), tractor trailers, utility service trucks (including GA Power, as power outages are on the rise), stalled vehicles, accident vehicles, police traffic stops, etc.
After I spoke to ReNew/TSPLOST spokesperson, Joshua Williams (newly appointed ATL Deputy COO) and Public Works Commissioner James Jackson, neither are not sure of the lane measurements.  Neither could assure me or the fire department if the lanes are wide enough….Are you kidding me?
Besides, there was a huge community meeting held at the Adamsville Rec Center to discuss this massive ReNew/TSPLOST expenditure about 2-3 years ago.  It was hosted by “then” City Councilman C.T. Martin.  It was jam packed with residents against the MLKJr Drive medians and reduction of lanes.  Other elected officials attended.  Outcome was: Since residents did not want the MLK medians, between I-20 (at Westview Cemetery) and Fulton Industrial Blvd, Martin said he would keep all four lanes.  Residents asked for sidewalks, street resurfacing, grass cutting & cleaning of highway entrance and exit ramps, etc.
Now it is truly evident this median project has major flaws and is WASTING OUR TAX DOLLARS:
1)  Median UNDER the I-20 overpass at MLK & Bolton Road.  Why is it there??
2) Median in front of Fire Station #5 had to be cut back after being installed because the fire engine could not clear it to turn left out of the station (fire department warned before it was done).
3) Median at shopping center at Lynhurst no longer allows left turn from MLK to this popular shopping center
4) NPU-H and others were against medians for reasons including City not having funds to keep the grass cut in the medians. They were right!  Often the grass gets knee high before the City cuts it.
BEFORE more money is wasted, this project needs a public safety check.  Both ReNew and Public Works say, “It should have been done.”  However, they are not sure if it was done.
Upon speaking in public comments at the City of Atlanta Public Safety meeting on Nov. 13 and the Transportation meeting on Nov. 14, I was told to contact Public Works & ReNew (PW&R). Unfortunately, it is clear that PW&R DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!  ReNew is blaming their woes on increased construction costs. They:
1) are over budget
2) have pushed project dates on most south and southwest side projects forward by 2-4 years or they have no date at all.
In the meantime Campbellton Road between Dobson Drive and Bent Creek cannot get half a mile of sidewalks so the local kids can walk to the Adams Park Library and Young YMCA without walking in the treacherous street.
Also, Council President Moore, at the Nov. 14 Transportation Committee Meeting asked for a full accounting by District of all ReNew/TSPLOST funds spent, cost of projects currently underway, cost of projects pending on the list.
What are your thoughts??

Roland Martin on 2018 Midterms & Fake Conscious Negroes

On The Tom Joyner Morning Show today, Roland Martin shares good news about yesterdays’s midterm election results.  He also has advice for those who do not vote.  Use this link for the eight minute report:

Roland Martin: Don’t Listen To These ‘Fake Conscious Negroes’

What is your response when people say they do not vote because one vote does not matter?

Midterm Wins for 100+ Women in the House


While many were expecting more democratic Senate and Gubernatorial wins in yesterday’s midterm elections that did materialize, Sean King expands on some very important victories.

Shaun King: We Had A Lot Of Wins Yesterday

I agree that a woman’s place is in the “House” and Senate!  Congratulate to all the women who stepped up to the plate to run for House seats.  It is quite a sacrifice.  I pray they are successful in representing the needs of their voters over the needs of special interest.