Turtle Crossing the Road


On Cascade Road, right across from the Bob White Golf Course, a turtle has gone over three quarters of the way across the street.  Because he is so big, I saw him and was able to avoid hitting him.

As I continued to drive to my destination, I started thinking about how a distracted driver may not see the turtle.  Three blocks later, I find myself turning around to go help him get to the “other side” alive. With a golf club in my trunk, I thought I would push him to the curb.  I quickly snapped a photo, retrieved my golf club and ready to help this turtle get safely on his way.  However, as I headed across the street, I see that one of the recent motorists had done the unthinkable…run over him.  In less than five minutes, some careless, probably distracted driver ran over the turtle. Oh my God!!  I was crushed!!

This is yet another reason drivers should keep their eyes on the road.  This turtle was so big, it would have been like running over a Volkswagen tire.  I am distraught over this. Then I had to remind myself that some drivers are so distracted that they cannot see pedestrians who are legally crossing in a crosswalk.


Clayton County Woman Awarded $1Billion for Rape

As more women come forward to tell their horror stories, more juries are believing and sentencing their perpetrators.  The awards are increasing, though no amount can make a tape victim whole.  As society begins to understand that rape is not about how a woman/person looks, what she wears, or whether they are drunk, rape is a violation of a person’s body.  And, rapist should be prosecuted.  It is no longer about shaming the victim.

Please read this article and see the short video from the Cascade Patch and pray that more rape victims will come forward so they can be freed from shame and get the psychological help they need.


Graduation Season

This is the season of graduations all across the nation. Whether you are traveling to an out of town ceremony or celebrating locally for a relative, friend, or yourself, it is a wonderful time of coming together.

Walking across the stage to hear your name and you diploma is so important that Georgia State University has scheduled a “do-over” for one of their graduation ceremonies. During the outdoor ceremony for th Collegenof Arts and Science, many of the graduates were not able to do their much anticipated “walk across the stage” that they earned.  Infuriated, over five thousand supporters complained to GSU and they were forced to hold another graduation which will be held inside.  A clear case of “strength in numbers” helping to correct a situation!  Here is a link to the story reported by 11Alive TV news:


Since high school graduations are the key to unlock the door to future academic opportunities, below is the link to the graduation schedules for APS and other metro Atlanta high schools:



Sweet Auburn Festival 2018


Standing on Auburn Avenue looking north at the huge crowd on Hilliard Avenue at the Sweet Auburn Avenue Spring Festival.

Thousands packed the Annual Sweet Auburn Spring Festival despite the 90 degree heat.

There was delicious healthy and unhealthy food.  Everything from huge turkey legs, barbecue chicken, rum cakes, lobster tails, fish and french fries.  For those more health conscious, there was vegan barbecue, vegan mac & cheese, kale salad and rice.


This delicious vegan meal was quickly consumed by all who stopped at the booth of a nationally known vegan cook.

Our voter registration team registered voters and gave information on how to get a copy of their “sample ballot”.  With over 15 items on the primary ballot, voters need to do research to know who the best candidates before they vote.


Our voter registration team takes a quick break, while tryiing to look cool in the 90+ degree heat at Sweet Auburn Festival.

Vote Early or on Tuesday May 22

Tomorrow, May 12th is statewide Saturday Voting day in Georgia!

Voting in the Primary Election is very important and will help to decide who will represent Georgia Democrats at the general election in November. If you haven’t already cast your early ballot in this primary election, now is your chance!
The Georgia My Voter Page has access to all of the information that you need to know before you cast your primary ballot.

Make sure you #KnowBeforeYouGo and use this site to find your Early Vote polling location and times, and also preview your sample ballot. Commit to vote tomorrow and together we can change public policy in Georgia!.

Google “Georgia My Voter page”, or visit http://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov

While on that site, please view, print and research your “sample ballot”.  Please take
your sample ballot with you to vote so you do not have to memorize candidate names.
If you have applied to vote by absentee ballot, make sure to mail your completed ballot back to your county election office by Friday, May 18th.

If you have any questions or problems while voting on Saturday or any time through election day, you can call the Voter Protection Hotline at 888-730-5816. We are here to help.

Early Vote tomorrow or on Tuesday, May 22.

(Tweaked from an email I received earlier today from the GA Democratic Party.)

Fulton County Primary Elections Info

The 2018 Georgia Primary election is May 22.  Below is information for you to use and share. All 159 counties have similar information as Fulton County. So “google”or call your county elections office.

Also, because there are over 15 items on Georgia ballots, not just Governor and Lt. Governor, please be sure to print your sample ballot, research the candidates, and take your sample ballot with you to vote.  That way you can confidently vote all the way down the ballot.  Get your sample ballot at: http://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov

Fulton County
Registration & Elections

Board of Commissioners Presentation

Our 2018 General Primary Election Objectives
•To continue empowering voters across county
•To report results earlier

April 24 was the voter registration deadline to participate in May 22 General Primary election – registration will re-open after May election, and deadline for General Primary Runoff is June 25

•Department of Driver Services
•GA Votes App
•City Hall
•Fulton County Offices

Voter Registration
•673,302 active voters
•70,644 inactive voters
•743,946 total registered voters
•Processed 91,334 registration applications since January 1, 2018 year versus 25,230 during same period in 2014
•In 2016 we only processed 57,216 during same time period
•Precinct cards ordered from SOS on April 3, 2018 for 35 precincts

Absentee Ballots
•Residents can complete absentee ballot applications now
•Signature must match the voter registration signature on file
•Residents who are 65+ or have a disability must apply each year. Others must apply each election
•Ballots must be signed when returned
•Deadline is May 18

Absentee Ballots
•Received 3,100 applications
•Processed 2,959 applications
•Rejected 141 applications
•Received 731 ballots

Early Voting
•Early voting offers to voters convenience & choice
•During early voting voters have 18 days to vote
•21 locations
•183.5 hours to vote
•1,160 voters cast ballots on day one

Early Voting
•Sent 315,000 head of household mailings
•Ads in Atlanta Voice and Neighbor Newspapers
•Radio spots on 98.5 and 104.1
Election Day

Poll Workers
•Success on Election Day is dependent on the quality of people who choose to serve as paid poll workers
•We have assigned 1525 poll workers for 183 precincts
•30 Reserve EDay poll workers


Voter Education
•Voter Education team available to attend community events & meetings
•Deputy registrar training
•Voter education team have attended 23 events from north to south
•Have distributed early voting flyers in libraries and city halls


Election Night Operational Improvement Plan
•Deploying 183 Election Night Assistants, 178 Fulton County employees
•Worked with County Manager, Todd Long, Brigitte Bailey and External Affairs
•Most departments have representatives working, in particular Superior Courts
•Aid poll managers in accumulating results
•15 reserves will be on call at three locations
•County teamwork is outstanding
•Fulton County Police and Sheriff
•External Affairs
Key Dates
•April 7 – Began sending absentee ballots by mail
•April 24 – Voter Registration Deadline
•April 25 – 27 – Head of household mailing
•April 30 – Early Voting begins
•May 18 – Early Voting Ends
•May 22 – Election Day
•July 24 – Primary Runoff