Kids Suffer for Life from Kool Smiles Dental Procedures


Kool Smiles Dental clinics pay $24 million in a lawsuit for unnecessary Dental procedures on kids in a Medicaid fraud scheme.  However, there offices are still open and no one is going to jail.  Hmmm.

This is another reason why second opinions matter.  These dentists preyed upon the poor and minorities.  Their offices seem to be strategically located throughout Minority communities have Black pictures on the walls and have toys like Chuckie Cheese.  Quite an inviting and fun environment for kids, these parents do not know enough to question the procedures recommended by the Kool Smiles dentists.

On the Tom Joyner show this morning, Sherri Shepherd said this happened to her when she was a kid.  Later when her mom took her to a different dentist, he asked, “Why did you have those procedures done?”  Her mom in disbelief responded that she had no way of knowing the procedures were not needed.  Sherri went on to describe the procedures and how it has affected her as an adult.

In Sean King’s investigation, he says this horrifying Kool Smiles investigation is akin to the Tuskegee Experiment.  How sad.  Read the entire story of Kool Smiles lawsuit in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution in this link:

Has this happened to you, your kids, or grand kids??