Covid19 Facts…where are They?

There is so much CV19 disinformation and harmful information, it is time for the City to determine how they can distribute info to all residents.  Some ideas are:
1) take over billboards
2) get all the utility statements to include aflyer in bills
3) provide official city flyer to pharmacies, grocery stores & any business allowed to stay open & sell food (since peo are allowed to venture out to buy food)…

…dialysis clinics, MARTA bus rail, etc.

There are people who do not have a TV!

In communities not connected to cable or internet, it could be their only lifeline. There is so much MISINFORMATION, we’ve got to think outside the box to reach everyone… especially those most vulnerable.

You might have some communication ideas to share with cities and counties across Georgia.  When our state leaders fail to act on CV19 pandemic in a time manner, we see it results in mass deaths. Therefore, we have to save ourselves…prayer is faith in action.  No one cares more about our family and friends than us. So what are you waiting on…for someone close to you to die?  Now that would be selfish and unacceptable!!


Moore Urges GA “Shut Down Immediately”


In an interview earlier today, Atlanta City Council President Felicia Moore says ‘too many people are carrying and spreading Covid19 and do not even know they have it’.  Under self-quarantine because she attended a national conference where three people have tested positive, Moore is urging state and local leaders to “shut everything down immediately”.

Many health professionals and advocates for those most vulnerable, the poor and uninsured are concerned that when patients begin to flood medical facilities, doctors are going to have to make life and death decisions as in Italy.  With that, the poor are not going to get adequate care when Care has to be rationed.

it is critical that our leaders step up to the plate and protect residents.  Reports out of Louisiana are regretful as New Orleans officials admit their high number of covid19 cases has stemmed from the disease being spread during Mardi Gras.  Later, we are likely to see the same thing happen as a result of Florida officials not shutting down the beaches for spring break.

On the other hand, governors in Washington, New York, and California have made the tough and logical decision to order their citizens to shelter in place.  Leaving open grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and take out/delivery only restaurants with strict social distancing rules.  Protecting residents even when it is not a popular decision is what real leaders do.

As a Mary Kay Consultant for over 20 years, I still have a small business with loyal skin care customers.  Yesterday, I received information from my National Sales Director saying officials at Mary Kay Corporate, based in Dallas, believe Texas will be the next state to be shut down with residents ordered to stay home and shelter in place.  Since orders usually give 48 hour notice, we need to forecast and order product we need so we will have product on hand to mail/ship to our customers.

No one knows how long this pandemic will last. One thing is certain.  If you stay home, you won’t get Covid19.  If you already have it and do not know it, you will not spread it.

A few days ago, London government officials are disappointed that people ignored orders and citizens were out on a sunny day ignoring social distancing.